
Summer Newsletter

Now is the time to book your yearly well visits! Please call the front desk or text the office text phone to schedule. Additionally, should you need any forms filled out for school and camp, please take note of our office form policy.
  • Patients must have an up to date well visit before any forms can be signed off on (within 365 days of well visit). 

  • Forms 1-2 pages will be returned either the same day or next morning. 

  • Forms more than 3 pages will take 3-5 business days. 

  • If you are dropping off forms, please provide your child’s name, DOB, as well as a phone number to reach you somewhere in the paperwork. 

We hope you have a great summer! 🌺

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Is Your Child Sick?®

News @ Northport

  • Flu Vaccines

    Flu Vaccines are available now! 

    Flu is widespread at this time and it is highly recommended to come in for your flu vaccine as soon as possible.